SWAT teams, armored vehicle seen near Brown home

Neighbors of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown reported police SWAT teams and at least one armored vehicle converging on a field near their Plainfield home this morning. An Associated Press photographer in a plane over the Browns’ property this morning was told to leave the airspace. On the ground, state police set up a checkpoint at Stage Road and Route 12A and would not let reporters pass.The Browns insist federal income tax laws are invalid and have holed up in their hilltop home on 110 acres in Plainfield, which has a watchtower, concrete walls and the ability to run on wind and solar power. Brown said he has stockpiled food and supplies.They were convicted in January of scheming to hide $1.9 million of income between 1996 and 2003. They also were convicted of using $215,890 in postal money orders to pay for their residence and for Elaine Brown’s dental office. The money orders were broken into increments just below the tax-reporting threshold.U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe sentenced them each to 5¼ years in prison. They skipped the April sentencing hearings, and Ed Brown has said he and his wife will refuse to surrender to authorities.

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