United States Bombs Somalia

The US fires cruise missiles into Somalia with no authorization. The President is out of control. one of my previous comments on US gunboat diplomacy: "let me see how the US has been keeping the peace...especially with bombs. the US has bombed the following countries since the end of WWII: china 1945-46, korea & china 1950-53, guatemala 1954, indonesia 1958, cuba 1959-1961, guatemala 1960, congo 1964, peru 1965, laos 1964-73, vietnam 1961-73, cambodia 1969-70, guatemala 1967-69, grenada 1983, lebanon 1983, 1984, libya 1986, el salvador 1980s, nicaragua 1980s, iran 1987, panama 1989, iraq 1991-present, kuwait 1991, somalia 1993, 2007, bosnia 1994-95, sudan 1998, afghanistan 1998 2001-present, yugoslavia 1999....there it is for anyone keeping score." we have such a great way of helping people worldwide.

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