Antifa and what they want

Antifa is a loosely organized anti-fascist movement that emerged in the United States and Europe in response to the rise of far-right and fascist groups. Antifa is not a centralized organization but rather a collection of groups and individuals who share a common goal of opposing fascism, white supremacy, and other forms of oppression.

Antifa activists typically engage in direct action and street protests to disrupt far-right and white supremacist rallies and to confront their supporters. They use tactics such as doxing (revealing the personal information of far-right activists), property damage, and physical confrontation with their opponents.

Antifa's ultimate goal is to prevent the spread of fascist ideologies and actions and to create a more just and equitable society. They believe that fascist and far-right groups pose a significant threat to democracy and human rights and that it is necessary to take direct action to oppose them.


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