What Is BLM

BLM stands for Black Lives Matter, which is a social justice movement that started in 2013, after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager. The movement gained widespread attention and momentum after the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis in May 2020.

The core mission of the Black Lives Matter movement is to raise awareness about systemic racism and police brutality against black people in the United States and around the world. BLM seeks to eradicate white supremacy, end police violence, and promote racial justice and equality. They also advocate for reforms in the criminal justice system, education, housing, and other areas that disproportionately affect black people.

Some of the specific demands of the Black Lives Matter movement include police reform and accountability, defunding of police departments, and reinvesting in communities most affected by systemic racism. BLM also advocates for the recognition and protection of the civil rights of all marginalized groups, including black people, LGBTQ+ individuals, immigrants, and people with disabilities.


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