
Showing posts with the label unix

End of unix

"Over at Linux Magazine Online, Jon maddog Hall writes that on Friday the 13th, 2009 at 11:31:30pm UTC UNIX time will reach 1,234,567,890 . This will be Friday, February 13th at 1831 and 30 seconds EST. Matias Palomec has a perl script you an use to see what time that will be for you: perl -e 'print scalar localtime(1234567890),"\n";' Now, while this is not the UNIX epoch, Alan Cox does assure us that Linux is now working on 64-bit time, and the UNIX epoch 'roll-over' would happen about the time that the sun burnt out."

free linux ebooks/ something for everyone

"Linux Complete Command Reference", "Java Programming on Linux", "the SlackBook", "Running Linux", "100 Linux Tips and Tricks", etc...i love books on NIX! the more the better! i have been using one flavor of NIX or another for about 10 yrs now and everytime i read a new book i always learn something new or relearn something the way- i am no Nix snob, i am at home with the penguins,bigcats, and even flying thru windows... read more | digg story