
Showing posts with the label policestate

another Nazi grave found

A mass grave believed to contain the bodies of several thousand Jews killed by the Nazis has been found in Ukraine. The grave was found by chance last month when workers were digging to lay gas pipelines in a village near Odessa. It is thought some 5,000 Jews were killed at or near the site, but the names of only 93 victims are known. Elder residents of Gvozdavka-1 said the village had two ghettoes during World War II and that Nazis brought Jews there from all over Moldova as well as Odessa and Zhitomir. BBC as source

Patriot Act in Effect

Wellington, Colorado - Michael Welch II paced frantically across the living room of his parents' farmhouse. His father lay dead in an adjoining room, shot through the heart by the lawmen who had the house surrounded. His terrified wife, Lori Romero, whimpered nearby. Put the gun down, she begged him, so that they could all walk out with their hands up. read the Full Story

Straitjacketed by the men in white coats

Unable to resort to their favoured method for dealing with peaceful political demonstrations - violence - the authorities were going to have to come up with some other means to stop it going ahead. read more | digg story

the Camden 6 - revisited

MSNBC has an update on the six foreign nationals who were arrested for plotting to attack Fort Dix Army base and it looks like they might have been a bunch of bumblers egged on by over-aggressive FBI informants -- leading to speculation that an entrapment defense is upcoming . the might-a-been plotters: "The FBI learned of the alleged plot when the men went to a Circuit City store and asked a clerk to transfer a jihad training video of themselves onto a DVD." the would-be informants: "One of the [accused plotters]... called a Philadelphia police officer in November, saying that he had been approached by someone who was pressuring him to obtain a map of Fort Dix, and that he feared the incident was terrorist-related, according to court documents." one of the informants actions: "He railed against the United States, helped scout out military installations for attack, offered to introduce his comrades to an arms dealer and gave them a list of weapons he could pr

Cheny's Rose Colored Glasses

big Dick Cheney says that " all is well " (video) in Iraq as mortars and rockets slammed the 'green zone' in Baghdad, Iraq. U.S. counterterrorism officials beg to differ. the washingtonpost describes a 91% rise in terror in Iraq. i wonder if iran was ever considered when the U.S. Gov. decided to destabilize her eastern and western borders. also, the post cites concerns by Turkey as to the weakening of her common border with Iraq: " Turkish leaders expressed increasing frustration at what they viewed as Iraq's inaction against the PKK" -- the abbreviation for the Kurdistan Workers Party, which launches attacks into Turkey from Kurdish areas of Northern Iraq. Dick, if you mean it is going well for you and the corporate whores you represent; i have to agree with you. your world is rosy, indeed. however, if it is all well for the Mid East, Iraqi and American citizens, or the world; i beg to differ. at least, stop lying to me.

Redefinig Amerika

it seems that the FBI has been busy telling state and local police/law-enforcement what defines a terrorist. there have been a few write ups in Blogland and nary a one in Major Media. it seems that "defenders of the constitution" and "Anti-Nuclear/Anti-War" proponents are to be considered terrorists. "Christian's" are suspect because of their belief that the 10 Commandments are God given, Gay/Animal/Enviromental Right's activist have made the list. anyone with a prior conviction for vandalism may be/become a terrorist. i can not say this enough: "anyone who wants you to surrender your freedom (no matter how small) is not looking out for your best interest." that is a fact. explore the PA terror awareness web page and this counterpoint blog . under the these guidelines- are founding father's were terrorists.

Michael Moore's Trip to Cuba

Director Michael Moore is being investigated by the Treasury Department for traveling to Cuba in violation of a U.S. trade embargo. In a May 2 letter, the Office of Foreign Assets Control informed Moore that he was the subject of a civil investigation stemming from the filmmaker's March trip to Cuba. Moore reportedly traveled there with 9/11 rescue workers who were seeking medical care. The trip was filmed as part of Moore's documentary "Sicko," which examines the U.S. health care industry (and premieres at the Cannes film festival on May 19). Letter and Full Info (thesmokinggun)

Fort Dix Terror Plot?

thesmokinggun published the affadavit against the Camden 6. it seems that wanting to produce a DVD expressing their religion (DVD showed 10 young men-"shooting assault weapons at a firing range in a militia-like style while calling for jihad and shouting in Arabic 'Allah Akbar' ('God is Great').") the FBI then inserted two undercover guys and then busted them. as i read the papers i became very interested in the footnote 2 that starts at the bottom of the page. not only is the informants credibility called into question, the implications of the DVD maker informing on his customer are scary. are the Camden 6 that ignorant of the Patriot Act and digital media or is a set up.

NSA Announces Plans for Data Center in San Antonio

the NSA is opening a data center in Texas. every Amerikan should be aware of this. The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) has identified a facility in San Antonio, Tex., as the site of a data center. Determination for the site was made after a comprehensive evaluation of potential locations nationwide, using input from government organizations (which? FBI, INS, IRS, ATF, DEA,...?), such as the Army Corps of Engineers, and commercial (corporate sponsorship perhaps or collaborators) data center plans. NSA has also engaged other government agencies to pursue the suggestion that Intelligence Community organizations collaborate to determine the potential for shared data (shared data on whom?) center sites. For more information about the NSA/CSS and its national security mission, visit the website, . for more detailed information-( )

things to watch

if you only watch two videos this year...please make them these two....

HD_DVD Fascism in Action

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0. Until they ban us all. ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') ..........................'...../ ..........''............. _.·´ ..........................( .............................. Digg entries on this HD-DVD decryption flap are being thrown up and taken down left and right... No one reallys knows what's going on, but accusations of high-level Digg censorships have been put out there. Only, I took this moments before this thread was deleted from the front page... Is Kevin Rose earmarking posts for deletion or is Digg being censored even more secretly?

Supreme Court Rejects War Trial Review

The development is also the latest legal setback in civilian attorney efforts to put a spotlight on a series of Guantánamo-related issues in the federal courts. On April 2, the justices decided not to prematurely step into a legal battle over whether captives should be allowed to challenge their confinement in District Court, through habeas corpus petitions -- a power stripped away by Congress. Now, Bush administration lawyers are seeking to further limit attorney-client contacts at Guantánamo. In the latest Supreme Court development, it was Hamdan's military commission case that led to a repudiation of the Bush administration last year in the Supreme Court. The court ruled in favor of Hamdan, declaring President Bush's system of military commission trials violated U.S. and international law. Subsequently, the Bush administration and its Republican allies on Capitol Hill pushed through a law reconstituting the military commissions, giving them the congressional imprimatur that