
The Kool Aid only works if everyone drinks it...

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That wasn't aspirin...


Palestinian activists wrongly imprisoned

Palestinians have been rising up in protest across the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem to demand their freedom. They want the same things as Israelis, the same things that Egyptians fought for in Tahrir Square. But Israel, with the tacit support of the United States is jailing them. Last year it was Abdallah Abu Rahmah, finally released in March of this year. Now it is Bassem and Naji Tamimi, cousins from the village of Nabi Saleh. These committed nonviolent activists are trying to build a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians, and are being punished for it. If you are outraged by this and want peace and justice, please join me in writing the U.S. State Department and demanding the Tamimis' release.

Thank 37 Senate Democrats for defending Medicaid

Dear Friend, Democrats have been vocal in their opposition to the Republican attacks on Medicare. But even as recently as this week, major media outlets were speculating about whether Democrats would agree to severe cuts to Medicaid as part of a compromise with Republicans on raising the debt ceiling. Fortunately, Democratic senators are working to put that fear to rest. Yesterday, Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller, a leading defender of Medicaid, announced that thirty-six other Democratic senators joined him in sending a letter to President Obama vowing to oppose the Republican attacks on Medicaid. When senators step up for important programs like Medicaid, they deserve our thanks. I just thanked Senate Democrats for co-signing the Rockefeller letter, I hope you do too. You can find out more information and take action at the link below.

U.S. Senate Targets Wolves

Just 50 wild wolves remain in Arizona and New Mexico. But Senator Orin Hatch has introduced legislation that would eliminate life-saving protections for these rare and beautiful animals and other wolves. Without these protections, these wolves may be doomed. Please help me save them by taking action online at: Thanks!

Stop the Slaughter of Yellowstone Bison

All they wanted was some food. Now some of the last true, wild bison in America face slaughter outside of Yellowstone National Park. These majestic animals – some of the largest land mammals in North America – were driven from the park by harsh winter conditions that have made food more difficult to find in the park. Now it’s up to federal officials to determine whether they will live or die. Join me in speaking out for Yellowstone bison. Urge U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to find an alternative to killing these amazing animals. Take action online at: Thanks for helping me make a difference!

Save the honey bees!

Since 2006, U.S. honey bee populations have been in precipitous decline, with some estimates suggesting losses as high as 30% per year. While that's terrible, the problem is far greater than just the loss of a species. Without bees, our food supply is in serious danger. Pollination by honey bees is key in cultivating the crops that produce a full one-third of our food. A recently leaked memo suggests the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has ignored the science linking the pesticide clothianidin to the bee die-off. Sign the petition to E.P.A. Administrator Lisa Jackson today demanding an immediate ban and full scientific review of this pesticide: Click Here to Sign the Petition.