
End of unix

"Over at Linux Magazine Online, Jon maddog Hall writes that on Friday the 13th, 2009 at 11:31:30pm UTC UNIX time will reach 1,234,567,890 . This will be Friday, February 13th at 1831 and 30 seconds EST. Matias Palomec has a perl script you an use to see what time that will be for you: perl -e 'print scalar localtime(1234567890),"\n";' Now, while this is not the UNIX epoch, Alan Cox does assure us that Linux is now working on 64-bit time, and the UNIX epoch 'roll-over' would happen about the time that the sun burnt out."

Record Store Day

any time you get to quote a Rock_God- Do It!  to wit: Tad Doyle ( TAD ) “Independent record stores are where I find the new music that in many cases is the most vital and cutting edge music out there. As a guy who has had experience trying to get his music heard; these places are so valuable to artists and music fans alike. The synergy is incredible because it is where lives are changed and where artist meets listener. As a kid, the independent record store was so important because I was able to find things that I really cared about and discovered music that mattered to me on a personal level: records and music that set my imagination and spirit soaring. It is that important. It is life!”

Stare into the curve...

... of Herschel's mirror  -- source -- It is enchanting, spectacular and - at 3.5m in diameter - it will soon become the biggest telescope mirror in space, surpassing that of Hubble. The great 18th Century astronomer William Herschel would have been astonished by the silver sensation that now bears his name. The European Space Agency (Esa) is certainly very proud of its new observatory. It has been working on the venture for more than 20 years. "The mirror is an enormous piece of hardware," enthused Thomas Passvogel, Esa's programme manager on the Herschel space observatory. "It's a ceramic mirror; it's the biggest piece ever made from silicon carbide. It's very hard but much, much lighter than glass and the performance is excellent." This week, the finished observatory will be flown to Europe's Kourou spaceport in South America. There, it will be bolted to an Ariane rocket and hurled into orbit. The design keeps Hersch

best free online music resource

SugarMegs Audio i stumbled across this site awhile ago. it was w/o hosting for awhile- that is all sorted. i must mention it is all live shows .  110100100= 644 (octal) = 1A4 (hex) = 420 (decimal)...........................Banner by Scott Anderson, updated by Chuck. The Database interface for selecting shows IS AVAILABLE, use this directory listing if is isn't SugarMegs NEWS 2009-02-01

4-Hearse Crash

Inauguration Photos

just a few overheads to give some perspective to an auspicious occasion.

US history thru the 20's

here is a lil history for you kids out there. and a day planner for the for security minded:

Putin: 2 years on...

remarks made by Mr. Putin @ the Speech at the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy 02/10/2007: (The speech was held in Russian. Find the English excerpts translation below.) " I am truly grateful to be invited to such a representative conference that has assembled politicians, military officials, entrepreneurs and experts from more than 40 nations. This conference’s structure allows me to avoid excessive politeness and the need to speak in roundabout, pleasant but empty diplomatic terms. This conference’s format will allow me to say what I really think about international security problems. And if my comments seem unduly polemical, pointed or inexact to our colleagues, then I would ask you not to get angry with me. After all, this is only a conference. And I hope that after the first two or three minutes of my speech Mr Teltschik will not turn on the red light over there. Therefore. It is well known that international security comprises much more than issues relating to

"If they all knew..."

01/06/2009: "If they all knew..." § 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States this is treason...? If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor. why the hell didn't they do something?! Now that we have intelligence experts, the military community, present and former administration, a Senator, and the media saying that they all knew the evidence was bullshit. Durbin's excuse is that he was sworn to secrecy. I don't know about Dick, I was