
JOHN C. EASTMAN, Plaintiff

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The world of today is full of questionings. Seventy, years ago it was not so; very few people dared to question any religions belief which had been taught them by their parents and the priest or minister of the sect into which they had been born. They were taught that Doubt was one of the most subtle and dangerous weapons used by Satan to ensnare the wisest and best, so that if one found himself doubting some such obvious absurdity as that the wrath of the Good God could be appeased only by the blood of his Son, he was filled with consternation and straightway prayed very earnestly to be delivered from the dreadful sin into which he was falling.[Such prayers are frequently “answered”, for human will, auto-suggestion, self- deception and kindred powers may produce almost any desired effect on the mind]. But now doubters are to be met with everywhere, and their, numbers are still increasing. At first it was noticed that the few who dared to doubt, and even those who openly scoffed at the

The Kool Aid only works if everyone drinks it...

Listen--> HERE FBI- transcript

That wasn't aspirin...


Palestinian activists wrongly imprisoned

Palestinians have been rising up in protest across the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem to demand their freedom. They want the same things as Israelis, the same things that Egyptians fought for in Tahrir Square. But Israel, with the tacit support of the United States is jailing them. Last year it was Abdallah Abu Rahmah, finally released in March of this year. Now it is Bassem and Naji Tamimi, cousins from the village of Nabi Saleh. These committed nonviolent activists are trying to build a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians, and are being punished for it. If you are outraged by this and want peace and justice, please join me in writing the U.S. State Department and demanding the Tamimis' release.

Thank 37 Senate Democrats for defending Medicaid

Dear Friend, Democrats have been vocal in their opposition to the Republican attacks on Medicare. But even as recently as this week, major media outlets were speculating about whether Democrats would agree to severe cuts to Medicaid as part of a compromise with Republicans on raising the debt ceiling. Fortunately, Democratic senators are working to put that fear to rest. Yesterday, Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller, a leading defender of Medicaid, announced that thirty-six other Democratic senators joined him in sending a letter to President Obama vowing to oppose the Republican attacks on Medicaid. When senators step up for important programs like Medicaid, they deserve our thanks. I just thanked Senate Democrats for co-signing the Rockefeller letter, I hope you do too. You can find out more information and take action at the link below.

U.S. Senate Targets Wolves

Just 50 wild wolves remain in Arizona and New Mexico. But Senator Orin Hatch has introduced legislation that would eliminate life-saving protections for these rare and beautiful animals and other wolves. Without these protections, these wolves may be doomed. Please help me save them by taking action online at: Thanks!