
An Echo In Time

I wrote this about 2009. The Rot Within: the time of american hegemony is over. the fractured state of american society and bilateral disfunction of the political apparatus are the main contributing factors. collective guilt, bankrupt corporate ethics and the lack of personal accountability fuel the disease that is killing the amerikan republik. the global neighborhood has caught a whiff of the decay and the buzzards are starting to circle. the potential for increased societal control of a mistrustful and mutually fearing population already divided by class and economics is at hand.

Watership Down

Watership Down is a 1978 British animated adventure film about a group of rabbits who escape the destruction of their warren and set out on a journey to find a new home. The film is based on the 1972 novel of the same name by Richard Adams. The film has been praised for its animation, music, and storytelling. However, it has also been criticized for its violence and dark themes. Some critics have argued that the film is too violent for children, while others have argued that it is a powerful and important story about survival and the importance of family and friends. The dark side of Watership Down is evident in the film's depiction of violence and death. The rabbits are constantly under threat from predators, and they are forced to fight for their lives. The film also depicts the death of several characters, including the death of Hazel's father. The film's dark themes have been criticized by some critics, who argue that the film is too violent and disturbing for ch

Adventures In Rust

I was trying to compile my Rust project for the first time and I was not prepared for what I saw. The terminal was spitting out a lot of warnings and errors, some of them I didn't even understand. I tried to fix some of them, but it seemed like every time I fixed one, another one popped up. I started to laugh nervously, hoping that this was just a minor setback and not a sign that I had messed up everything. Maybe Rust was not the best choice for a beginner like me. Maybe I should have stuck with Python or something simpler. But I was determined to make this work, somehow. I just hoped that the compiler would not explode on me.


If you're looking for a quick and easy way to fall asleep, you might want to try listening to Sleep 's Dopesmoker. This album is a single track that lasts for over an hour and consists of nothing but slow and heavy riffs, droning vocals and occasional bong hits. It's like a musical equivalent of a blunt: it will make you feel relaxed, hazy and maybe a bit paranoid. Sleep's Dopesmoker is not for everyone. Some might find it boring, repetitive or too loud. Some might even question the artistic merit of such a monolithic piece of stoner metal. But for those who appreciate the genre, this album is a masterpiece. It's a testament to the band's dedication, creativity and endurance. It's also a cult classic that has influenced many other bands and genres. The story behind the album is almost as interesting as the music itself. Sleep recorded Dopesmoker in 1996 after signing a major label deal with London Records. They spent their entire advance on vintage equip

Redcore: the new daily driver

Hello, fellow Linux enthusiasts! Today I want to share with you my review of Redcore Linux , a Gentoo-based distro that promises to bring the power and flexibility of Gentoo to the masses. I have been using Redcore Linux for a few weeks now and I must say I am very impressed by its performance, stability and ease of use. Redcore Linux is a rolling-release distro that uses a hardened profile by default. This means it has enhanced security features and patches to protect against common vulnerabilities. It also has a preconfigured firewall and SELinux support. Redcore Linux comes with KDE Plasma 5 as the default desktop environment, which is sleek, modern and customizable. It also has a nice selection of applications for everyday use, such as Firefox, LibreOffice, VLC, GIMP and more. One of the main advantages of Redcore Linux is that it uses a binary package manager called Sisyphus. This means you don't have to compile everything from source code like in Gentoo, which can take ho

Remembering Red Red Meat

If you're a fan of indie rock, you might have heard of Red Red Meat, a band that emerged in the 90s and created a unique sound that blended blues, folk, and noise. Red Red Meat was formed in Chicago by Tim Rutili, Glenn Girard, Tim Hurley, and Brian Deck, who were all members of the alternative rock band Friends of Betty. They released their debut album, Jimmywine Majestic, in 1993, which showcased their raw and experimental style. The album received critical acclaim and was praised for its originality and creativity. Red Red Meat followed up with their second album, Bunny Gets Paid, in 1995, which was even more adventurous and eclectic. The band experimented with different instruments, such as banjo, organ, and saxophone, and incorporated elements of lo-fi, country, and soul. The album was a masterpiece of sonic exploration and emotional depth. Some of the standout tracks include "Chain Chain Chain", "Gauze", and "Carpet of Horses". The band'

Apocalypse Now Redux

Are you looking for a thrilling and captivating movie to watch? If so, you might want to check out Apocalypse Now , one of the most acclaimed films of all time. Apocalypse Now is a 1979 epic war film directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall, and Dennis Hopper. The film is loosely based on the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, but set in the Vietnam War instead of the Congo. The film follows the journey of Captain Benjamin L. Willard (Sheen), a special operations officer who is assigned to assassinate Colonel Walter E. Kurtz (Brando), a renegade Army officer who has gone rogue and established his own cult-like kingdom in the Cambodian jungle. Along the way, Willard and his crew encounter various horrors and challenges of the war, such as a napalm strike, a tiger attack, a USO show featuring Playboy bunnies, and a psychedelic drug trip. Apocalypse Now is not just a war movie, but a profound exploration of the human condition, th