What is 4chan?

4chan is an anonymous online imageboard community that was created in 2003. It was originally modeled after the Japanese imageboard 2chan, and it quickly became a popular platform for discussing a wide range of topics, including video games, anime, politics, and more.

Users on 4chan are able to post anonymously, and the site is divided into various topic-specific boards, each with its own unique culture and rules. Many of the boards on 4chan are known for their controversial content and trolling, and the site has been associated with various online movements and subcultures, both positive and negative.

Due to its anonymous nature and lack of moderation, 4chan has been the source of many internet memes and viral phenomena, as well as a platform for cyberbullying, harassment, and hate speech. While 4chan is not inherently a bad or malicious platform, it is often associated with extremist and controversial behavior, and it is important for users to exercise caution when using the site.


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